Submitting a manuscript for publication
1. The authors send their manuscripts to the journal’s email address:
2. Initial examination.
The registered materials are sent for consideration of the subject, content and format of the submitted text. In case of non-compliance with the requirements of the journal, the article is rejected, the author receives a notification of refusal to accept the manuscript for publication.
3. Reviewing the manuscripts of the articles that have passed the initial examination successfully.
All articles are subject to two-way blind peer review (the reviewer and the author do not know each other’s names). The review form has been approved by the editorial board. The reviewer can recommend the manuscript for publication (without revision or with revision) or reject it. In case there is a negative review of the article, the reviewer must provide reasons for his/her conclusion, and the author of the manuscript is notified. If there are two negative reviews, the manuscript is rejected. If the author of the article does not agree with the reviewer’s comments, his/her application is considered by the editorial board.
4. In case of a positive expert assessment, the article is included in the publication plan of the next issue of the journal, about which the author receives a corresponding notification. The author of the manuscript fills in the license agreement and sends a scanned copy.
5. The author’s fee of 3000 rubles is charged for the publication of the manuscript. This amount includes the costs of preparing the article for publication, a copy of the journal and the cost of sending it to the author.
6. If the manuscript is recommended for publication, but revision is required, the author receives by e-mail the critical comments of the reviewers, which are to be taken into account.
7. In case of refusal of the author or his inability to introduce proper corrections, the editorial board reserves the right to reject the manuscript. If there is one negative review of the revised version of the article, the manuscript is not accepted for publication.
8. The procedure for reviewing and approving articles takes 4-6 weeks.
9. Articles of postgraduate students are accepted and submitted for review only if there is a positive review of the supervisor.
10. Editors are responsible for the quality of the materials published in the journal and guarantee their compliance with the international standards of publication ethics.
Requirements for manuscripts
The author submits the application and the text of the article as two separate Microsoft Word files.
The manuscript of the article should include the text itself, 10-14 pages in length, and the article materials in Russian and English:
a) УДК code;
b) information about the author / authors (full name, academic degree, academic title, position, place of work, city, email address);
c) the title of the article;
d) abstract (500-1,000 characters);
e) keywords (6-10);
f) references (10-30 sources) with an indication of the DOI (if available).
The text of the article is printed in Word format, Times New Roman font, size 14, line spacing 1.5. The page margins are 2 cm from each edge.
The abstract and the keywords should correspond to the content of the article and be designed as follows: Times New Roman font, size 12, single line spacing, width alignment, interval after the paragraph 12 pt. When writing the abstract in English, it is necessary to refer to the general requirements of GOST 7.9-95.
The list of references in Russian is arranged in the alphabetical order according to GOST R 7.05-2008. References in the text are given in square brackets, placed after the corresponding source is mentioned in the text and contain the number of the specified source in the list. When quoting, the page number is indicated. 50% of these sources should be not older than five years.
Figures and tables. The text of the article may include tables, as well as graphic materials (drawings, graphs, photographs, etc.), which must have a title and end-to-end numbering. All tables and graphic materials should be referred to in the text of the article. Font of inscriptions inside drawings, graphs, photographs and other graphic materials is Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.0 (single). Drawings are placed in the text with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, diagrams are executed in the Corel Draw editor.
It is advisable to number the pages of the manuscript. This will help reviewers correctly refer to the text if there are comments.